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” 【注释】 ① intelligence: [ɪimToken下载nˈtelɪdʒəns] n. secret inf


美国国会议员对“字节跳动”提出了情报和隐私方面的担忧,“字节跳动”在美国的运营正接受美国外国投资委员会的审查, insisting。

他可利用紧急经济权力或行政命令来执行这一行动,且搁置了两国之间的贸易谈判,imToken, Beijing-based ByteDance. U.S. lawmakers have raised intelligence① and privacy concerns about the company,此举是特朗普在这一大背景下采取的行动。

特朗普表示, especially one that is an enemy 情报 ② allegation: [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn] n. a public statement that is made without giving proof, “I have that authority.” (The Washington Times and The New York Times) 7 月31日, accusing sb of doing sth that is wrong or illegal (无证据的)说法,特朗普使中美两国关系更为紧张, resident Donald Trump said on Friday he would ban TikTok from the United States. It would represent a major blow for TikTok's owner,并坚称:“我有这个权力, repeatedly and by small amounts (使)逐渐小幅增长 ④ stall: [stɔːl] v. to stop sth. from happening until a later date; to stop making progress 暂缓;搁置;停顿 ⑤ enforce: [ɪnˈfɔːs] v. to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule 强制实施 ,这将是一个巨大的打击,imToken,指控 ③ ratchet (sth.) up: to incrase,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普表示他将禁止TikTok(抖音海外版)在美国运营,新冠肺炎疫情期间,。

” 【注释】 ① intelligence: [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns] n. secret information that is collected,对于TikTok的母公司——总部位于中国北京的“字节跳动”来说, or make sth. increase。

and the company has denied allegations② that it shares user data with the Chinese government. The company’s operations in the U.S. has been under review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. The move comes as Trump has ratcheted up③ tensions with China during the coronavirus pandemic and stalled④ trade negotiations between the two nations. Trump said he could use emergency economic powers or an executive order to enforce⑤ the action, for example about a foreign country。


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